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Desperado 4,5% 330ml 15°

Clearance sale
Stone shop
  • Product code 600157
  • Ean1
  • Brand Heineken
  • Delivery in stock
  • Carton 24 pcs
1,31 EUR 1,08 EUR without VAT
In stock only in the stone shop in Prague.
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Celkem 24 ks za 24,00 Kč

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Fresh taste with very mild to slight hop of lime and tequila.

It has a very refreshing cut and a scent of limes. It is suitable as an alternative to regular party beers for those who want something special. We recommend drinking with a squeeze of lime inside. Ingredients: water, barley malt, hop products, lime, mint

Under the Sales Records Act, the seller is required to issue a receipt to the buyer. At the same time, it is obliged to register the received revenue with the tax administrator online, in the event of a technical outage not later than 48 hours.

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